Lindner Walk for Wellness Indoor Track
The Lindner Walk for Wellness Indoor Track is named in honor of Cincinnati businessman and philanthropist Carl Lindner, who made a financial contribution to help with the church construction. This track is open free of charge to the entire community (donations are accepted). You don't have to be a member or attend New Vision UMC on Sundays to take advantage of this facility!
The track has state of the art cushioning that is kind to joints and the lower body. This is superior to the mall, most gyms and of course outdoor sidewalks. If you have a Walking Club or other group and looking for a facility for your indoor walking, please contact our church office with your hours of interest.
Children 4 and older may walk with the supervision of an adult. The track is located on the second level of New Vision United Methodist Church.
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday - Thursdays 9:00 am -1:30 pm.
We ask that you please follow Covid-19 pre-cautions. Mask Wearing is REQUIRED.
Please maintain social distancing. If you are not feeling well we ask that you please stay home.
Health & Exercise Program
Join us as we work with our partners at Closing the Health Gap to educate and train our community on the importance of living healthy lives.
Tai Chi Classes - Tuesday & Thursday 4:45 pm- 5:45pm
Group Circuit Fitness Class - Thursdays 6-7pm
*Exercise classes and track will follow same schedule as snow closings for the indoor track and will be broadcast on Channel 12 and its media associates.